
Global statistics:
Existing Records: 203 Records
Registered Drivers: 83 Fahrer
F1-Timer is running since: 04.11.2000 (8764 Days)
Letzter Eintrag: 16.12.2007 10:50:37
Visitors: 32,730  (3.73 visitors per day)
Hotlaps uploaded: 312
Hotlaps downloaded: 230,580
Hotlaps checked / unchecked: 137 / 66 Hotlaps

Driver's Home Countries: (20 countries)
Land Fahrer % Land Fahrer %
Germany Germany  26 31.33% Brazil Brazil  9 10.84%
France France  9 10.84% Netherlands Netherlands  6 7.23%
United Kingdom United Kingdom  6 7.23% Australia Australia  3 3.61%
Belgium Belgium  3 3.61% USA USA  3 3.61%
Italy Italy  3 3.61% Switzerland Switzerland  2 2.41%
Canada Canada  2 2.41% New Zealand New Zealand  2 2.41%
Hungary Hungary  2 2.41% Portugal Portugal  1 1.20%
Bulgaria Bulgaria  1 1.20% Greek Greek  1 1.20%
Croatia Croatia  1 1.20% Austria Austria  1 1.20%
Slowakia Slowakia  1 1.20% Argentinia Argentinia  1 1.20%

List of Teams used by all drivers: (Total 58 Teams)
Team Fahrer %
Ferrari 16 19.28%
McLaren 5 6.02%
keroliver 3 3.61%
Ayrton Senna Tribute 2 2.41%
BAR 2 2.41%
BMW-Williams 2 2.41%
JUD 2 2.41%
--- 1 1.20%
arrows cosworth 1 1.20%
asher 1 1.20%
Bad Boys GBA 1 1.20%
Blood-Bolts 1 1.20%
bmw 1 1.20%
bonzai 1 1.20%
COOLvision Racing 1 1.20%
Crotalus Racing 1 1.20%
CsabaRenault 1 1.20%
DM Racing 1 1.20%
DR 1 1.20%
Ebisch 1 1.20%
Fangio Motorsport 1 1.20%
Fellowship 1 1.20%
FERRARIE 1 1.20%
Gabbadeath 1 1.20% 1 1.20%
German Racing 1 1.20%
German Thunder Racing 1 1.20%
Green Team Racing 1 1.20%
Harley Davidson 1 1.20%
holland racing 1 1.20%
IDT 1 1.20%
Jorden 1 1.20%
Krieger-Racing 1 1.20%
Lotus - Honda 99T 1 1.20%
mad racers 1 1.20%
McLaren-Mercedes 1 1.20%
Mike 1 1.20%
Minardi 1 1.20%
Opel 1 1.20%
Panasonic Renault 1 1.20%
Pennzoil 1 1.20%
QuickRacing 1 1.20%
Rabobank F1 1 1.20%
Radioactive Tiger Team 1 1.20%
Red Bull-Honda 1 1.20%
Reddevil racing 1 1.20%
Senna-Racing 1 1.20%
Skyline 1 1.20%
South-Africa 1 1.20%
Supertex 1 1.20%
toyota 1 1.20%
Turner-Ferrari 1 1.20%
URO 1 1.20%
VTS 1 1.20%
White Smile 1 1.20%
Williams BMW 1 1.20%
Williams-BMW 1 1.20%
Wismar 1 1.20%

Made with JPGraph Made with JPGraph
Made with JPGraph Made with JPGraph
Records per Track:
Strecke Records % Letzter Eintrag:
Melbourne/Australien 19 9.36% 20.11.2007 21:13:24
Interlagos/Brasilien 17 8.37% 24.11.2007 20:00:27
Buenos Aires/Argentinien 10 4.93% 26.11.2007 14:30:49
Imola/San Marino 15 7.39% 16.12.2007 10:50:37
Barcelona/Spanien 14 6.90% 13.12.2007 17:10:07
Monte Carlo/Monaco 17 8.37% 24.11.2007 20:03:29
Montreal/Kanada 11 5.42% 24.11.2007 20:04:41
Magny-Cours/Frankreich 15 7.39% 24.11.2007 20:05:15
Silverstone/Grossbritannien 13 6.40% 20.11.2007 21:16:18
A1-Ring/Österreich 11 5.42% 24.11.2007 19:57:50
Hockenheim/Deutschland 13 6.40% 24.11.2007 19:54:19
Hungaroring/Ungarn 11 5.42% 18.05.2005 14:46:17
Spa/Belgien 7 3.45% 20.11.2007 21:18:53
Monza/Italien 9 4.43% 20.11.2007 21:20:28
Nürburgring/Luxemburg (Deutschland) 10 4.93% 24.11.2007 19:55:30
Suzuka/Japan 11 5.42% 08.12.2007 10:48:07